WSFF Congress in Canada - the fifth day


The fifth day of Congress was very busy! 

The morning was marked by a technical session featuring industry leaders. 

Speaker #1 Dr. Paige Pratt - Neogen
Speaker #2 Dr. Wade Shafer - IGS
Speaker #3 Dr. Alycia Chrenek - Zoetis
Speaker #4 Dr. Kee Jim - Beef on Dairy

Then followed lunch at Olds College sponsored by Sean Sayers' Red Flame Ranch. 

The day topped up with tour at Bohrson's Sale Facility and the World Simmental Sale! 

Chip Kemp moderating and adding so much industry experience to the discussions.

Speaker #1 Dr. Paige Pratt - Neogen

Speaker #2 Dr. Wade Shafer - IGS

Speaker #3 Dr. Alycia Chrenek - Zoetis

Speaker #4 Dr. Kee Jim - Beef on Dairy

Lunch at "The Wetlands" -Sponzored by Red Flame Ranch

World Simmental Sale